Sahil Khan and Sharman Joshi, who co-starred in 2000s comedy films Style and Xcuse Me, are set to collaborate on an unnamed movie. The project, reportedly filming in Abu Dhabi, aims to recapture the on-screen chemistry they once had. Sam Khan will helm the picture.
Sahil Khan and Sharman Joshi, stars of the hit movie Style, Xcuse Me, will collaborate again after 20 years
According to producer Hitesh Khushalani, reuniting Sharman Joshi and Sahil Khan for a movie is an effort to recapture the on-screen chemistry they once had.
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Sahil Khan and Sharman Joshi worked together for the first time in 2001
Sahil Khan and Sharman Joshi co-starred in the 2000s comedy films Style and Xcuse Me. Movie enthusiasts loved the leads’ on-screen chemistry and comic timing. They worked together for the first time in the 2001 drama Style and appeared once more in the 2003 film Xcuse Me. The franchise centers on two friends named Chantu and Bantu, respectively portrayed by Sharman Joshi and Sahil Khan. These two actors will now work together once more on an unnamed movie.
According to reports, the project will soon begin development. Now, there has been no mention of the film’s leading lady. The drama will reportedly spend time filming in Abu Dhabi and will likely feature not one, not two, but potentially promising numbers.
Sharman Joshi’s remark
Speaking about his upcoming project, Sharma Joshi said he was eager because the movie was about to completion. He continued by saying that the earlier films he and Sahil Khan collaborated on were well-received for their on-screen chemistry. The actor says it ended up being his first big commercial success, which Raju Hirani saw and later hired him for the 2009 hit movie 3 Idiots.
Sahil Khan’s statement
According to a statement made by Sahil Khan, “I have known Sam Khan, the writer, and director, for a very long time, and I am beyond thrilled to work under his direction. Additionally, Sharman and I reconnected over this movie. He is an excellent actor and a joy to work with.”
Their reunion is an effort to recapture the on-screen chemistry
The dialogue and screenplay for the movie originated by Milap Zaveri, who predicted that it would be a complete entertainer. The masala will be enough to keep the viewer firmly planted in the seat. According to producer Hitesh Khushalani, reuniting Sharman Joshi and Sahil Khan for a movie is an effort to recapture the on-screen chemistry they once had.
Under the auspices of White Lion Motion Picture Production, Hitesh Khushalani, Bhuvi Khushalani, Zafar Mehdi, and Ishaan Dutta created Sam Khan’s concept- and direction-driven movie.
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