Rocky Or Rani Ki Prem Kahaani has grossed over 70 crores in its first week in theatres, showcasing Karan Johar’s comeback to the industry’s top ranks. The film made 6.9 crores on Wednesday, bringing its total revenue to 67 crores. Because of the favorable publicity, glowing feedback from reviewers, and the absence of new releases this week, the second weekend may also be successful financially for the movie. The production team is ecstatic about the movie’s success.
Rocky Or Rani Ki Prem Kahaani: Box office collection for the Karan Johar movie is solid, bringing in 67 cr
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, Directed by Karan Johar, the romantic comedy centers on Rocky Randhawa (Ranveer Singh) and Rani Chatterjee (Alia Bhatt), who come from very different social classes and cultural backgrounds.
The KJo comeback film appears to be a hit
Rocky Or Rani Ki Prem Kahaani appears to have more than 70 crores in the bank by the end of its first week in theatres. Even on day 6, the film’s box office receipts increased significantly, demonstrating Karan Johar’s comeback to the industry’s top ranks.
According to trade publication Sacnilk, the movie made 6.9 crores on Wednesday. It may be a little less than Monday or Tuesday data, but it’s still a respectable amount to earn in the middle of the week.
The future looks promising
The total revenue for Rocky Or Rani Ki Prem Kahaani rose by 6.9 crore since Wednesday, bringing the total to 67 crore. Because of the favorable publicity, glowing feedback from reviewers, and the absence of new releases this week, the second weekend may also be successful financially for the movie. The production team is ecstatic about the movie’s success.
Ranveer Singh’s comment
The leading actor Ranveer Singh said, “I’m grasped and overwhelmed by the generosity of love. It is unimaginable to me. In the halls, there is contagious laughter, tears, and cheering for Rocky. It is so encouraging to see, and I have personally seen it. I am happy at the unanimity of the responses, which are overwhelmingly emotional and gushing. It’s a unique one. Today, thankfulness is filling my heart to overflowing.”
Reviews of other celebrities
Several actors expressed their appreciation for the Ranveer-Alia starrer film on social media.
# Vicky Kaushal, an actor, commented: “Loved every minute of it. Extreme family entertainment on the big screen! Bring your family—don’t miss it! You are an actual ruler, @karanjohar! Incredible! Veteran actors @aapkadharam #JayaBachchan @azmishabana18 gave excellent performances along with @aliabhatt @ranveersingh. Huge scream out to the writers and cast of “RRKPK.”
# “One massive entertainer stepping towards you this Friday packed with surprises and wonderful performances by all! Rani dazzles, and Rocky rocks! Don’t pass it up,” Alia Bhatt’s mother, Soni Razdan, wrote.
About Rocky Or Rani Ki Prem Kahaani
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, Directed by Karan Johar, the romantic comedy centers on Rocky Randhawa (Ranveer Singh) and Rani Chatterjee (Alia Bhatt), who come from very different social classes and cultural backgrounds. Jaya Bachchan, Shabana Azmi, and Dharmendra also appear in the movie.
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