Gadar 2, starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, has collected 263.48 crore rupees at the box office. The film crossed the 250 crore mark on Wednesday after a massive 55 crore haul on Independence Day. Film exhibitor Akshaye Rathi expressed optimism about Gadar 2’s chances of surpassing Pathaan and said it might beat previous records. The film follows the 2001 hit film, which featured Sunny Deol as truck driver Tara Singh and Ameesha Patel as Sakina. In the 1971-based film Gadar 2, Tara Singh enters Pakistan to save his son, who gets portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma.
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Gadar-2; Box office collection: Sunny Deol’s film is rapidly chasing the 300 crore mark after surpassing the 250 crore
The current gross for the Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel-starring film Gadar 2 is 263.48 crore rupees.
Gadar 2 performs overwhelmingly at the box office
Thanks to Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, Gadar 2 is bringing in sizable sums at the box office. With a collection of 34.50 crores, according to preliminary estimates, the movie comfortably crossed the 250 crore mark on Wednesday after a massive 55 crore haul on Independence Day, as reported by The flick will soon surpass 300 crores in revenue.
Box office collection: Gadar 2
The domestic gross for Gadar 2 is currently 263.48 crore. It made an impressive debut on Friday at 40 crore and increased to 51 crore on Sunday. Although it slowed to 38.7 crores on Monday, 55 crores in sales on Independence Day made many trade analysts ponder whether it could now surpass the year’s biggest hit Pathaan.
Film exhibitor Akshaye Rathi told the Hindustan Times on Wednesday that he was optimistic about Gadar 2’s chances of surpassing Pathaan and added, “Getting by the course that it’s on, Gadar 2 is likely to beat not just Pathaan, but every previous record there is. It is currently unquestionably on the rampage. On August 15, you saw something truly historic in Indian theatres.
Sunny Deol at a press conference
At a Monday press conference, an overjoyed Sunny Deol admitted, “I got pretty anxious ahead of the debut. I spent the entire night crying and laughing after the movie came out. When my father saw me, he was nearby. I admitted to him, “I haven’t had any alcohol. I’m happy. Well, what do I do?” (Main khush aa main ki kara).”
About Gadar 2
Gadar 2, directed by Anil Sharma, is a follow-up to the 2001 hit movie in which Sunny Deol portrayed truck driver Tara Singh and Ameesha Patel played Sakina. The 1947 partition of India served as the backdrop for the story.
In the 1971 film Gadar 2, Tara Singh enters Pakistan to save his son, who gets portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma. Simrat Kaur, Luv Sinha, Rohit Chaudhary, Madhumalti Kapoor, Rakesh Bedi, Mushtaq Khan, and Dolly Bindra also appear in the movie along with Manish Wadhwa, Gaurav Chopra.
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