Gadar 2, directed by Anil Sharma, has made 41 crore net in India on its tenth day, according to The film stars Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, has already made 377.20 crore rupees. Sunny Deol received praise from actor Rajkummar Rao, who said, “Aap aag nahi kehar ho.” The film has already made 284.63 crores in its first week of release, with 20.5 crore on its second Friday and 31.07 crore on its second Saturday. Sunny Deol, who played Tara Singh in the 2001 film, expressed his anxiety before the release of Gadar 2. The film follows Tara Singh’s journey to free his son Utkarsh Sharma, who remains captive in Pakistan.
The Sunny Deol starring movie Gadar 2 conquers the Indian box office
Gadar 2 is a follow-up to Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001). Tara Singh, played by Sunny Deol, crosses the border in Gadar 2 to save his son, Utkarsh Sharma.
Anil Sharma helmed picture, Gadar 2
The Anil Sharma-directed movie Gadar 2 is currently leading the domestic box office. The film debuted on August 11, made 41 crore on Sunday, according to Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel play the lead characters in Gadar 2.
Gadar 2 will get expected to surpass 400 crores today
Gadar 2 reportedly made 41 crores net in India on its tenth day, according to’s preliminary estimates. The movie made 284.63 crores in its first week of release. The film made 20.5 crore on its second Friday and 31.07 crore on its second Saturday. The movie has so far made 377.20 crore rupees.
“Aap aag nahi havoc ho,” Rajkummar Rao
All over India, Gadar 2 has been operating successfully. Sunny Deol recently received praise from actor Rajkummar Rao, who claimed Sunny Deol entitled the achievement of Gadar 2. Rajkummar shared a picture of Sunny and himself on Instagram.
He wrote as the caption for the photo, “With the character of the moment himself @iamsunnydeol sir. I’m thrilled about your accomplishments, sir. You merit all of this and more. “Aap fire nahi havoc ho” (You are not ablaze, you are devastation)#Gadar2#Tara Singh.”
Sunny felt anxious before the release of Gadar 2
The Gadar 2 team recently organized an interview with reporters to discuss the movie’s enormous success. According to news agency ANI, Sunny described his initial reaction to witnessing the public’s love for Gadar 2: “I got pretty stressed ahead of the film’s release. I spent the whole evening weeping and giggling after the movie came out, and my father was nearby. I told him, “I hadn’t had any alcohol. I’m cheerful. What can I do?” Main khush aa main ki kara.”
About Gadar 2
The hugely successful movie Gadar: Ek Prem Katha premiered in cinemas in 2001, followed by Gadar 2. Sunny portrayed the truck driver Tara Singh in the 2001 movie, and Ameesha Patel depicted Sakeena. The movie took place in 1947 when India experienced a split. In Gadar 2, Sunny Deol’s character, Tara Singh, risks his life by crossing a border to free his captured son, Utkarsh Sharma.
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