Ranveer Singh has been cast as the new Don in “Don 3,” according to recent reports. Farhan Akhtar has praised Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan for leaving a legacy with the iconic character. Singh will be portrayed as a macho avatar wearing all-black clothing and a cigarette, quoting a famous dialogue from the movie Don. The teaser video has mixed opinions from fans, with some criticizing Khan’s performance as gimmicky and unconvincing, while others believe Singh is a multifaceted and exceptional actor.
Farhan Akhtar releases the first look of “Don 3,” with Ranveer Singh as the new “Don”
There is no Shah Rukh Khan in Don 3. According to rumors, the actor is very selective in his decisions and wasn’t thrilled with the script. Additionally, with the smash hit “Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani,” Ranveer Singh is today’s celebrity, and this declaration is like the icing on top for his admirers.
Farhan Akhtar paid tribute to Big B and SRK
Ranveer Singh has reportedly been cast as the new Don in “Don 3,” according to several reports that circulated recently. On Tuesday, Farhan Akhtar offered tribute to Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan on social media, showing how they have left a legacy with “Don” by infusing their unique styles into making this persona iconic. But now, according to Farhan, it’s time to bring a new actor into the legacy.
ALSO READ | Alia Bhatt And Ranveer Singh Shine In Rocky Or Rani Poster
Ranveer Singh took over for SRK in Don 3
That’s right. It’s now a fact! Don’s replacement is Ranveer Singh. To tease his role in “Don 3,” Farhan released a teaser video. Although his face doesn’t initially visible in the video, he might appear as a macho avatar smoking a cigarette and wearing all-black attire.
Ranveer Singh appeared quoting a famous dialogue from Don
One observes him saying, “Zindagi hai meri maut se khelna, jeet hi mera kaam hai. Joh mera naam hai, tum toh jaante ho.” He continues, “Gyarah deshon ki police dhundhti hai mujhe, par pakad paaya hai mujhko kaun, main hoon Don,” a famous line from the movie Don. The caption for this tea set read, “A fresh century gets started.”
Mixed opinions from fans
While some of his supporters showed displeasure with this decision, many others are backing him nonetheless.
According to one user, “Shahrukh Khan in Don was reportedly entirely gimmicky and unconvincing. If he’s being honest, he has already tarnished the reputation that the original Bachchan once created. Ranveer is a multifaceted and exceptional actor. I believe in him. He’ll end it. ”
A different user, however, commented, “#RanveerSingh is my favorite…but I’m missing the vibe…sorry to say, I only see #srk as the leader because nobody else can replicate their energy.”
First video of Don 3 linked with various projects
Well, it’s too soon to evaluate this decision. Only time will tell. Farhan Akhtar will lead the direction of “Don 3.” Given that they got tagged in the promo, Pushkar and Gayatri of “Vikram Vedha” fame appear to have written the script and dialogue. Along with Ranveer’s movie “Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani,” this video will get linked to “Gadar 2” and “OMG 2.”
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