Gadar 2 by Sunny Deol has become India’s fourth highest-grossing Hindi film, surpassing Dangal’s lifetime earnings. The film grossed over 13 crore on Monday, bringing its total revenue to 388.60 crore. Taran Adarsh predicts that Gadar 2 will likely surpass KGF 2’s record next. Despite dominating the box office, Anil Sharma’s sequel has received average reviews; however, critic Saibal Chatterjee only gave it two stars out of five. Anil Sharma’s sequel to the popular 2001 picture Gadar, titled Gadar 2, will go up against Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2.
Gadar 2: Sunny Deol’s “Unstoppable Power” outperforms Aamir Khan’s “Dangal”
With second-weekend earnings of 90 crore, Gadar 2 outperformed the weekend two total of the top 5 highest-grossing Hindi films. Among them are Pathaan, Baahubali 2, and KGF 2, as well as Dangal and Sanju.
Gadar 2 becomes India’s “fourth highest-grossing Hindi film”
Gadar 2 by Sunny Deol continued to be an “unstoppable force” at the box office. Since its debut, the film has been breaking records one after another. According to trade analyst Taran Adarsh’s report, the movie outperformed Dangal’s lifetime earnings on Monday, becoming India’s “fourth highest-grossing Hindi film.”
The film managed to bring in over 13 crore on Monday, bringing its overall revenue to 388.60 crore. According to Taran Adarsh’s prediction in his report, “Gadar 2 will likely surpass KGF 2’s record next.”
Trade Analyst Taran’s Tweet
“PASSES “DANGAL,” NEXT ‘KGF 2’… #Gadar2 is a UNSTOPPABLE STRENGTH and rejects to calm down on [second] Mon… hits Dangal’s lifetime business… is currently India’s FOURTH HIGHEST-GROUNDING Hindi film. [Week 2] Mon 13.50 cr, Fri 20.50 cr, Sat 31.07 cr, Sun 38.90 cr. Overall: 388.60 crore. #India business. #Boxoffice,” Taran Adarsh tweeted.
Weekend 2 total of Gadar 2
Gadar 2 had surpassed the weekend two total of the top 5 highest-grossing Hindi films with his second-weekend earnings of 90 crore. Pathaan, Baahubali 2, KGF 2, Dangal, and Sanju are among them.
“GADAR 2″ MAKES HISTORY, SETTINGS UNIQUE RECORDS… #Gadar2 has Destroyed the *Weekend 2* [Fri to Sun] a total of TOP 5 *highest grossing #Hindi films* by a wide margin,” Taran Adarsh stated in his tweet.
Saibal Chatterjee’s review for NDTV
Gadar 2 opened to average reviews despite destroying the box office. “Gadar 2 is for three types: Sunny Deol fans, those who miss the unrestrained excesses of bygone Bollywood, and those who think that “hate thy neighbor” is a rule worth applauding for in a theatre. The movie has more than enough content to satisfy everyone, according to film critic Saibal Chatterjee, who gave the movie two stars out of five in his review for NDTV.
The follow-up to the 2001 hit Gadar, directed by Anil Sharma, entitled Gadar 2. Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel, and Utkarsh Sharma have returned to play Tara Singh, Sakeena, and Jeete in the sequel. On August 11, the movie arrived in theatres. At the box office, it competes with Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2.
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