Shah Rukh Khan and director Atlee are collaborating on the highly anticipated action film Jawan following the success of Pathaan. The film features a talented cast, including Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, and Priyamani. Khan will play two roles, showcasing his versatility. A previously unseen King Khan avatar made disclosed in the suspenseful movie preview. The film’s prevue features SRK as a bald man, and fans have praised the collaboration. The digital rights to “Jawan” and “Dunki” have been sold for 480 crore. Jawan will be made available in theatres in September.
SRK impresses viewers in Jawan Prevue by taking on a previously unseen role
The big-budget action film is the first time Shah Rukh Khan and director Atlee collaborated. Atlee is best known for his Tamil films with Vijay, including Theri, Mersal, and Bigil.
The unseen King Khan avatar made disclosed in the movie preview
With the release of his eagerly anticipated movie, Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan is ready to enthrall audiences. Following the enormous success of his most recent blockbuster “Pathaan,” King Khan plans to captivate fans with yet another action-packed extravaganza helmed by Atlee. A previously unseen King Khan avatar made disclosed in the suspenseful movie preview.
In the prologue, SRK says, “Main jab villain banta hoon, mere samne koi bhi hero tik nahi sakta” (When I’m the bad guy, no hero stands a chance).
The talented cast of Jawan
The collaboration of Shah Rukh Khan with Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in Jawan is thrilling for moviegoers. Other talented actors in the star-studded cast include Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, Priyamani, and others.
Additionally, notable actors Deepika Padukone, Sanjay Dutt, and Thalapathy Vijay will make special appearances in the movie. According to reports, Shah Rukh Khan will play two roles in the film, showcasing his versatility.
Fans reactions
Fans have responded positively to the movie’s trailer, which features SRK as a bald man.
One fan commented, “It’s Not a Teaser. It’s Pure GOOSEBUMPS.”
“Fantastic preview! Only King Khan can break Pathaan records.” said another.
Thanks to SRK’s iconic presence and Atlee’s creative brilliance, “Jawan is an enormous cooperation that is going down in the past as a movie that transformed action in Indian cinema,” wrote another.
The digital rights of “Jawan” and “Dunki”
There have been media reports about the digital rights to upcoming Shah Rukh Khan films. “Jawan” and “Dunki” appear to have sold for the astounding sum of 480 crore. For about Rs. 250 crores, the rights to Jawan, including digital, satellite, and music, have been purchased. At around 230 crores, “Dunki” made an impressive sum, breaking the previous record for the highest single sale price for a movie.
Jawan will be made available in theatres in September. It will be available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, giving it a wider audience and pleasing fans all over the country.
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