8 AM Metro: Who thought a Movie Might Make Gulzar’s Poetry Feel Off-putting?
8 AM Metro: Two strangers accidentally bump into one another in the metro, forge an unlikely friendship, and ultimately discover themselves and one another.
Movie Review: 8 AM Metro
The director of the movie
8 AM Metro is a film directed and written by Raj R.
The Cast of the movie
In the movie 8 AM Metro, Gulshan Devaiah, Saiyami Kher, Kalpika Ganesh, and Umesh Kamat played the lead characters.
Release Date:
May 19, 2023
Plot of the movie
A housewife named Iravati (Saiyami Kher), who serves as the story’s main character, travels by train from Nanded to Hyderabad to be with her sister, who is expecting a child at any moment. The conflict is immediately introduced in a straightforward, to-the-point, bullet-train writing style. Ira gets sweaty and anxious around trains.
When she was a young child, her father had been riding the train with her. However, as the train continued to chug, he got off to buy cigarettes. She was traumatized by this moment of abandonment, and the movie transforms trauma into a personality, personified in one frazzled Ira, like any writer-director whose mouth waters at the thought of emotional damage.
She runs into Pritam (Gulshan Devaiah), a newly-minted poet enthusiast and fellow traveler who is also married, in the Hyderabad Metro. He reads extensively and frequently brings up his readings in conversation. Verrier Elwin? Kalidasa? Holland’s poets? Attacks of panic? Pritam’s literary accomplishments will soothe your ears. Ira responds with poetry, which Gulzar wrote but claimed to have been written by Iravati in all her agonized interiority.
Review of the movie
The movie 8 AM Metro has an unsettling falseness to it as if it were the product of a mind that cannot distinguish between acting and being, platitudes and profundity, and sadness and depth. It is a shockingly bad piece of writing and filmmaking where Hyderabad tourism serves as filler and dal is used as a metaphor for mending marriages.
Ira is making filter coffee in a scene that has that stuffy, formal grimace of an advertisement. The way she smells the powder, the decoction, and how she puts the lid on the filter are all examples of consumerist choreography.
It’s unsettling that no character comes to mind without tragedy. Tragic events serve as both a character’s foundation and a turning point that reveals their true nature. Saiyami Kher externalizes trauma in such a dramatic, emotional, and expressive way that it appears as though there has never been any internalization of trauma. Her face, with its wide eyes and kohl-lined lashes, carries this trauma with such brittleness that it appears as though too much has been forced upon it.
Final words
The poetry in this movie by Gulzar is oppressive, and Kher’s weak voice reads it with the sincerity of a young girl. Gulshan Devaiah’s monotonous goodness provides Kher with uninspiring company as they travel the overused, frequently traveled road. Pritam is aware that this is a reference to Robert Frost.
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