BJP Vs BJP in Rajasthan

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is one of the major political parties in India, known for its strong nationalistic and conservative ideology. The party has been in power at the centre since 2014 and has formed governments in many states nationwide. In Rajasthan, however, the party has been plagued by internal divisions and conflicts, with two factions fighting for control.

In recent years, the party has been facing internal rifts and differences among its members, which has resulted in a power struggle within the party in Rajasthan. This article will delve into the BJP vs BJP conflict in Rajasthan and what it means for the party.

BJP in Rajasthan
The BJP came to power in Rajasthan in 2013, with Vasundhara Raje as the Chief Minister. However, in 2018, the Congress party defeated the BJP in the state assembly elections, and Ashok Gehlot became the Chief Minister. The BJP was left to play the role of the opposition in the state.

The BJP in Rajasthan is divided into two factions. One faction is led by former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, who is considered a strong leader in the state. The other faction is led by the current State President, Satish Poonia, who is believed to be close to the party’s national leadership.

BJP Vs BJP in Rajasthan
The conflict within the BJP in Rajasthan started in 2018 after the party lost the state assembly elections. The party’s high command appointed Satish Poonia as the State President, which did not go down well with Vasundhara Raje and her supporters. Raje’s faction has been demanding her appointment as the State President, citing her popularity and experience in the state. However, the party’s high command has not responded to their demands.

In recent times, the party has been marred by infighting and power struggles between its top leaders, particularly Satish Poonia and Vasundhara Raje.

Satish Poonia, the current president of the BJP in Rajasthan, took over the reins of the party in July 2019. A relatively new face in Rajasthan politics, Poonia has been tasked with leading the party to victory in the upcoming assembly elections in 2023. He is considered to be a loyalist of the central BJP leadership and has been entrusted with the responsibility of strengthening the party’s base in the state.

On the other hand, Vasundhara Raje is a seasoned politician and one of the most popular leaders in Rajasthan. She has served as the Chief Minister of the state twice, first from 2003 to 2008 and then from 2013 to 2018. Raje is known for her strong leadership and administrative skills, which helped her in winning two consecutive assembly elections with a thumping majority. However, her relationship with the central leadership of the BJP has been strained in recent years, leading to a power struggle within the party.

The power struggle between Poonia and Raje began after the BJP’s defeat in the 2018 assembly elections. Raje was widely blamed for the loss, and there were calls for her to step down as the leader of the party in the state. However, Raje refused to step down, and instead, blamed the central leadership for not providing enough support during the election campaign.

The central leadership of the BJP then appointed Poonia as the state party president, in what was seen as a move to sideline Raje. Poonia, who was relatively unknown in Rajasthan politics, was tasked with reviving the party’s fortunes in the state and preparing for the 2023 assembly elections. However, Raje continues to remain a popular leader in the state, and her supporters within the party have started to openly criticize Poonia and the central leadership for sidelining her.

The power struggle between the two leaders came to a head during the 2020 Rajya Sabha elections. Raje’s loyalists within the party supported the candidature of BJP rebel Hanuman Beniwal, who was contesting against the official BJP candidate. Poonia and the central leadership of the BJP saw this as a challenge to their authority, and they expelled the rebel MLAs from the party.

Amid the fighting in the party, the two groups under previous Boss Priest Vasundhara Raje and Rajasthan BJP leader came out openly as the previous had reported her birthday festivities in Salasar temple on March 4.

Raje, whose real birthday is on March 8, has preponed it by four days, inferable from Holi. More than a lakh individuals are supposed to take part in the festivals. To counter the move, the BJP association has likewise called a monstrous dissent on March 4.

As of late, BJP state president Satish Poonia, alongside Yuva Morcha laborers and office carriers in the state party office, strategized for get together gherao development in the primary seven-day stretch of Spring against the consuming issues like a paper spill, breaking down the rule of peace and law, ladies security, rancher advance waiver and so on.State association general secretary Chandrashekhar led the gathering.

Notwithstanding, as Raje has one more arrangement of projects, she will avoid this dissent like last time when the previous CM and BJP association were seen going equal.

During Coronavirus, Raje had sent off her Vasundhara Jan Rasoi, under which food was served to the impacted, while BJP was working under the ‘Seva howdy Sangathan’ crusade.

Raje has been absent from poll battling and the Janaakrosh Yatra as of late, coordinated by the state BJP unit.

March 4th was Vasundhara’s greatest demonstration of solidarity to date in the guise of a birthday show. The pioneers near Vasundhara have dealt with the plans for the occasion.

Raje has persistently unveiled her desire to become the central pastor again through Dev Darshan and strict visits. However, being a political decision year, she will show solidarity and hit many focuses in Salasar.

Alongside this, numerous political ramifications will likewise arise amidst the continuous disturbance in the BJP. Party State President Satish Poonia wouldn’t remark regarding this situation.
There has not been any declaration by the party administration, viewing the occasion as her occasion. Still, her allies, previous pastors, MLAs, and office carriers support it in every conceivable manner. Game plans to make it a memorable occasion began a few days ago.

Impact on The Party
The BJP vs BJP conflict in Rajasthan has significantly impacted the party’s prospects in the state. The party lost the 2018 assembly elections, and since then, it has been unable to make significant gains in the state. The internal rifts have created confusion and uncertainty among the party workers and supporters, leading to a lack of unity and cohesion.

The party’s performance in the recent by-polls in the state is a testament to the impact of the conflict. The BJP lost two out of three seats, indicating that the party’s support base is not as strong as it used to be. The infighting within the party has also allowed Congress to consolidate its position in the state.

The BJP vs BJP conflict in Rajasthan reflects the larger internal rifts within the party. The party’s high command must resolve the conflict and unite both factions to remain a dominant political force in the state. The party needs to focus on its core issues and work towards regaining the people’s trust in Rajasthan. The BJP cannot afford to let internal politics affect its electoral prospects and needs to take immediate steps to address the issue.

Also Read | More BJP vs BJP Drama In Rajasthan

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