Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, a Congress MP, slammed the center on Tuesday as the BJP put extra pressure in Parliament on Rahul Gandhi to apologize for allegedly disrespecting the Indian Parliament and democracy during his speech in London. Has it ever been observed that all the members of a party in power raise an uproar to stop the Parliament? Chowdhury asked, adding that the government “does not want to run Parliament.”
“What is the point of Rahul Gandhi apologizing? Alternatively, they (the Government) should apologize,” the MP told ANI.
Amid an escalating attack on Rahul Gandhi over his remarks in the UK, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor came out in his support, saying that the former owes no apology.
Mr. Tharoor stated to reporters on the grounds of Parliament, “This is obvious politics because Rahul Gandhi did not say what he was accused of. He stated that ‘we’ll address problems internally and just want everyone to be conscious, Indian democracy is a global public good.’ There’s nothing he has to apologize for.”
Also Read | Congress President Attacks BJP And PM On State Of Indian Democracy
Rajnath Singh, the Defence Minister, criticized Rahul Gandhi on Monday for “insulting India in London.” Mr. Singh argued in Lok Sabha that the Congress leader “apologized in front of the House.”
“Rahul Gandhi, a representative in this House, offended India in London. I demand that all members of this House denounce his statements and that he apologize in front of the House,” Mr. Singh stated in the Lower House of Parliament.
The second leg of Parliament’s Budget session, which began on Monday, has been marked by huge chaos and sloganeering on both sides (BJP and Congress) in response to Rahul Gandhi’s speech on foreign territory. Rajya Sabha was adjourned until 2 p.m. on Tuesday after opposition members caused a ruckus over the government’s demand for an apology. Meanwhile, House Leader and Union Minister Piyush Goyal claimed Gandhi had insulted Parliament but did not name him.
Leader of the House Piyush Goyal targeted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in his speech on Monday, sparking heated debate between the Treasury and Opposition benches.
Mr. Goyal told the media outside the house: “India is a proud and glorious country that is the mother of democracy. An influential opposition leader travels to another country and attacks Indian democracy. He has made derogatory remarks about the Indian people and the Parliament. Rahul Gandhi should apologize in Parliament for his remarks. India allows for free speech and allows members of parliament to speak in the parliament.”
I raised a very serious matter, Goyal said as he demanded Gandhi’s apology earlier on Monday. A senior Congress leader traveled abroad, declaring that democracy in India is in jeopardy and requesting that European countries and the United States intervene in India’s internal affairs and democracy. Such individuals should be chastised in the House.”
During a recent speech to British parliamentarians in London, Rahul Gandhi claimed that “fully operational mics of Opposition politicians in Parliament are frequently silenced.” He also made accusations about Prime Minister Modi, an attack on democracy,’ and China’s concerns. The Congress MP in Cambridge claimed once more that the Opposition’s voice was being muzzled in Parliament.
Stay tuned to Panchayiti for more such political updates.
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