Manohar Lal Khattar, the chief minister of Haryana, has appealed for peace after two days of violence, stating that the police could not safeguard every person. This statement has drawn criticism from the AAP government in Delhi, which questions whether citizens in BJP-ruled states are responsible for their safety. The AAP tweeted that citizens in BJP-ruled states have no legal authority to hold office if they cannot defend their citizens. There hasn’t been much serious violence in Haryana lately. The state has also relocated the regiment base of the 2nd India Reserve Battalion (IRB) from the police complex Bhondsi to Nuh district to avoid further violence.
Violence in Haryana: AAP slams Khattar with, “If you can’t defend every person”
As VHP and Bajrang Dal demonstrated in the national capital in the wake of the Nuh violence, Delhi was also on high alert.
Haryana’s CM, “Police could not protect every person”
Manohar Lal Khattar, the chief minister of Haryana, appealed for peace after two days of violence, saying that the police could not safeguard every person. This statement drew criticism from the AAP government in Delhi, which questioned whether citizens in BJP-ruled states are responsible for their safety.
AAP’s Tweet in response to CM’s statement
“Protect yourself if you intend to settle in Haryana because the state’s chief minister is making it clear that the “government cannot safeguard its citizens.” Why are the BJP governments clinging to the seat like rodents if they are unwilling to give the people security? There is no assurance of safety for citizens anywhere there is a BJP “double engine” government, as evidenced by the burning of Manipur, Haryana, and possibly a third state soon. The ruling party has no legal authority to hold office if it cannot defend its citizens,” the AAP tweeted.
There hasn’t been much serious violence in Haryana lately
There was no increase in violence over the previous day. In Gurugram, a small scrap yard had been set on fire by an unidentified group of people close to Kherki Daula. Assailants riding motorcycles attacked two mosques in Tauru, Haryana’s Nuh district, last night, according to police, who appeared by PTI.
The government suspended mobile internet service
Mobile internet access will not resume in the impacted areas until 5 of this month, according to a statement released by the state government on Wednesday. The list includes three of Gurugram’s subdivisions. The Haryana authorities are keeping an eye on social networking sites as it appears that a video posted there is what ignited the violence.
“The task of tracking social networking posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp is referred to a three-person committee,” according to Haryana’s home minister Anil Vij.
If his connection becomes clear, Monu Manesar will suffer
The government declared that Monu Manesar, the cow vigilante who appears to be at the heart of the violence, will suffer if his involvement comes to light. The Rajasthan police, according to Manohar Lal Khattar, are free to take action against Monu Manesar. “The state of Rajasthan filed a first information report (FIR) against Manesar. We have assured them we would supply them with any assistance needed to find him,” according to Khattar.
“Divide and Rule” governance
According to Congresswoman Priyanka Gandhi, “divide and rule” governance is disturbing harmony in many areas of the nation. Saket Gokhale, the national spokesperson for the Trinamool, asserted that Manipur and Haryana were both BJP-sponsored projects.
The Haryana administration relocated the regiment base of the 2nd India Reserve Battalion (IRB) from the police complex Bhondsi to Nuh district due to the state of affairs in Nuh and to avoid it from getting worse.
Two home guards were among the six people who perished in the Nuh violence. There have been 116 arrests and 90 detentions.
Related Read | Communal Violence Leaves 5 Dead in Haryana
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