The Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra is a significant annual festival in Puri, Odisha. Massive Crowds of devotees gather in Puri to celebrate the 2023 Jagannath Rath Yatra. Special trains have been arranged for 20 lakh pilgrims, and PM Modi has sent his best wishes. An Odisha-based miniature artist has created eco-friendly chariots for the holy trinity Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra. Celebrations are happening all over the country, including West Bengal, Gujarat, and Delhi. The Odisha Police has released a traffic advisory to ensure efficient traffic flow during Rath Yatra in 2023.
Devotees Congregate in Vast Numbers For The Jagannath Rath Yatra 2023 in Puri
Today, June 20, 2023, the Odisha temple town of Puri is celebrating the yearly Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra with fanfare, faith, and enthusiasm.
Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra
In Puri, Odisha, there is a significant annual festival known as the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra. Every year, there is a chariot festival in honor of Lord Jagannath. Devotees from all over the nation travel to the state and the temple town during the Puri Rath Yatra 2023, which begins on June 20. Gujarat also celebrates the renowned Rath Yatra Festival, in addition to Odisha. People believe that the Ahmedabad “Ratha Yatra” Festival is the country’s second-largest Rath Yatra, following the Puri Jagannath Rath Yatra.
Hindus highly revere the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra. During the festival, followers of Lord Jagannath also worship his siblings and the deities Balram and Subhadra. On Tuesday, devotees mounted the idols of Lord Jagannath and his siblings onto their respective chariots, with prayers of Hari Bol and Jay Jagannath, and sounds of gongs, conches, and cymbals.
In 2023, special trains will run during the Puri Jagannath Rath Yatra
“For approximately 20 lakh pilgrims, 857 special trains have been arranged, “according to the Railways minister Ashwini Vaishnaw.
PM Modi greets the public
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent his best wishes for the Rath Yatra, which starts today in Puri, Odisha. With his tweet, the Prime Minister included a video of him marching in a Rath Yatra procession.
An Odisha-based miniature artist creates environmentally friendly holy trinity chariots
Ahead of the renowned Rath Yatra, Bhubaneswar-based miniature artist L Eswar Rao created eco-friendly chariots for the holy trinity Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra out of papers and decorative stars.
The Jagannath Rath Yatra in other states
Rath Yatra celebrations are happening all over the country, not just in Puri, Odisha. Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, participated and performed “Pahind Vidhi” in Kolkata.
The chief minister of Gujarat announces the beginning of the 146th Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra in Ahmedabad. The Muslim community in Ahmedabad welcomes the rath yatra.
Due to violence, Manipur skips the yearly Rath Yatra procession.
The Odisha Police has released a traffic advisory to ensure efficient traffic flow during Rath Yatra in 2023.
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