Janata Dal (S) Karnataka unit president C M Ibrahim has announced that the party will not join the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance for the Lok Sabha elections. JD(S) leader urged former Prime Minister and JD(S) supremo H D Deve Gowda not to approve the alliance with the BJP. JD(S) leader cited a possible party split and claimed that his division is the genuine JD(S) because it is “secular” and that he has the authority to make decisions regarding the group in Karnataka. He also said he would create a core committee to communicate the decision to Deve Gowda.
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Karnataka JDU Chief Disagrees with Party Supremo, Says “Won’t participate in BJP-Led NDA”
Mr. Ibrahim, who was the Civil Aviation Minister in the H D Deve Gowda-led administration at the Centre, referred to his division as the “original JD(S)” and claimed that it is “secular.”
JD(S) isn’t going to join BJP-led NDA for the upcoming LS elections
In defiance of Janata Dal (S) chief H D Deve Gowda’s verdict, the party’s Karnataka unit president C M Ibrahim declared on Monday that JD(S) isn’t going to join the BJP-led NDA for the Lok Sabha elections.
JD(S) leader indicated a probable party split
The former Union Minister hinted at a potential party split by claiming that his division is the genuine JD(S) because it is “secular” and that, as state president, he has the authority to make decisions regarding the group in Karnataka.
He pleaded with former prime minister Gowda not to approve the alliance with the BJP because numerous party members in neighboring states defected.
C M Ibrahim’s statement
“JD(S) will not adhere to the NDA, according to our initial decision. The second decision was to ask Deve Gowda not to approve of this alliance,” Ibrahim conveyed to reporters following a conversation with certain party executives.
He cited the departure of JD(S) leaders from the party following the BJP-JD(S) pact in Kerala, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu.
“However, in Karnataka, we still care about you. You represent a father figure. We will inform Mr. Gowda that we shouldn’t get associated with the BJP,” Mr. Ibrahim stated.
The “original JD(S)”
Mr. Ibrahim, who previously held the position of Minister of Civil Aviation in the H D Deve Gowda-led government at the Centre, referred to his faction as the “original JD(S)” and claimed that it is “secular.”
To communicate the decision made at today’s meeting to Deve Gowda, Mr. Ibrahim included that he would be creating a core committee.
After meeting with BJP party president J P Nadda and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in New Delhi on September 22, former chief minister and current second-in-command of the JD(S), Kumaraswamy, decided to join BJP-led NDA.
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