Pradeep Sharma, a former Mumbai Police officer, has received bail from the Supreme Court for his involvement in the murder of businessman Mansukh Hiran and the Antilia bomb threat case. Sharma was in custody for his involvement in the case, which involved a gelatine-filled SUV and the death of businessman Mansukh Hiran.
Sharma’s attorney, Mukul Rohatgi, argued that Sharma was an admired law enforcement officer who retired after 37 years of service. Rohatgi claimed that Sharma had no concrete proof connecting him to Sachin Waze. Sharma, a member of the Mumbai Police’s encounter squad, participated in numerous incidents resulting in the deaths of over 300 criminals.
Ex-cop Pradeep Sharma gets bail from the SC in the Antilia bomb scare case
Senior attorney Mukul Rohatgi, who represented Sharma, claimed that Sharma was a decorated law enforcement officer who left after 37 years of service.
Pradeep Sharma was in Police custody
Pradeep Sharma, a former member of the Mumbai Police, received bail on Wednesday from the Supreme Court. Sharma was in custody for his involvement in the murder of businessman Mansukh Hiran and the Antilia bomb scare case. He got turned down for bail in January by the Bombay High Court.
The Antilia bomb scare case
A gelatine-filled SUV appeared on February 25, 2021, near Mukesh Ambani’s ‘Antilia’ home in south Mumbai. Businessman Mansukh Hiran, who owned the SUV, was found dead in a nearby creek on March 5, 2021.
“The only claim made…,” Sharma’s attorney
According to Sharma’s attorney, the only claim made against the former police officer is that he assisted his former coworker Sachin Waze, the primary suspect in the bombing of Antilia and the murder of Hiran, in killing Hiran.
Sharma’s representative, senior attorney Mukul Rohatgi, argued that Sharma was an adorned law enforcement officer who retired after 37 years of service.
“Waze desired attention and some level of recognition. He obtained gelatin sticks because they planned to place an explosive outside the Mumbai home of an industrialist. Mansukh Hiran was the deceased.”
Mukul Rohatgi’s statement
“Along with Hiran, he obtained his car, displayed it as a stolen vehicle, added gelatin sticks, and parked it in front of the industrialist’s home. It occurred with the intent that he would find the car and become well-known for having stopped an attack. I (Sharma) am unaware of all of this, the high court records,” Rohatgi said.
They have no actual evidence
He claimed that there was no concrete proof connecting Sharma to Sachin Waze. “I used to be a police officer. At the Malabar (Hill) police station, Waze and I met. He called, and I recognized him. I ran into him again at the police commissioner’s office. Is the police commissioner’s office a suitable place to plan a murderous plot?” Rohatgi offered.
Sharma, a member of the Mumbai Police’s encounter squad known as an “encounter specialist,” participated in numerous encounters that resulted in the deaths of over 300 criminals.
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