Congress leader Rahul Gandhi received his old government bungalow back after he gets reinstated as an MP by the SC. After a two-year prison sentence, he got disqualified from the Lok Sabha in April. He received formal notification from the Estate office regarding his residence as an MP and currently sits at 12-Tughlak Lane. Gandhi has not yet decided whether to accept the bungalow and has eight days to respond. He will visit Wayanad between August 12 and 13 after his reinstatement as a member of Parliament.
Following his reassignment as a Lok Sabha Member, Rahul Gandhi receives his 12-Tughlaq Lane bungalow back
When the Wayanad MP, Rahul Gandhi, from Kerala, won the 2004 Lok Sabha elections from Amethi, he obtained an official residence at 12-Tughlak Lane.
Rahul Gandhi received his old government bungalow back
A day after his Lok Sabha membership resumed following the Supreme Court’s directive, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi received his old government bungalow back. After being disqualified from the Lok Sabha in April, Gandhi moved out of the cottage he owned at 12-Tughlaq Lane and into the home of his mother, Sonia Gandhi, in the national capital.
Earlier, Gandhi received a sentence of two years of prison
Gandhi received a sentence of two years in prison on March 24 in a criminal defamation case featuring a comment on the surname “Modi,” which resulted in his disqualification as an elected official of the lower house. In the days following the Supreme Court’s stay of his indictment in the defamation case, he received his reinstatement as an MP by the Lok Sabha secretariat.
MP has eight days to respond regarding the acceptance of the bungalow
According to ANI, which cited sources familiar with the situation, Rahul Gandhi received formal notification from the Estate office regarding his allocation of a residence as an MP and currently sits at 12-Tughlak Lane. According to the report, Gandhi has not yet decided whether to accept the bungalow, and MP has eight days to respond.
Wayanad MP got an official residence after winning the 2004 LS elections from Amethi
When the Wayanad MP from Kerala won the 2004 Lok Sabha elections from Amethi, he obtained an official residence at 12-Tughlak Lane. “I have had this house for 19 years, thanks to the people of Hindustan. They have my gratitude. These days, speaking the truth carries a cost. I am ready to do anything it takes,” he said after leaving the bungalow in April.
There were rumors in July that Gandhi would move into the Delhi home of the former chief minister of Delhi, Sheila Dixit. Sandeep Dikshit, a Congress MP and Sheila Dixit’s son is currently a resident of this home in South Delhi’s B2 Nizamuddin East neighbourhood.
Rahul Gandhi will visit Wayanad between August 12 and 13
Following his reinstatement as a member of Parliament, Gandhi will make his first trip to Wayanad on August 12–13, according to the party general secretary KC Venugopal.
“Sh. @RahulGandhi ji is appearing in his constituency Wayanad on August 12–13! The triumph of democracy and the resurgence of their voice in Parliament have thrilled the people of Wayanad! Rahul Ji is a member of their family, not just an MP,” KC Venugopal, general secretary of the Congress, stated in a tweet.
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