Amid ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, the head of Wagner Mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin made a shocking declaration on Saturday. He vowed to go all the way to ‘go all the way’ to plunge military leadership in Moscow. He has accused Russian Military of launching a strike on his troop. Although, this Russia Coup was rather short lived when 62 years old leader halted the advance toward Moscow after negotiations.
Here are the Key Highlights of Russia Coup
Here are the key highlights related to a brief yet one of the biggest challenge to Putin’s hold on Power.
Prigozhin’s Accusation
The 62 years old leader of Wagner Mercenary Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has accused Russian Military for launching deadly strikes on his men.
Wagner Group Captured Rostov-on-Don
On Saturday, Wagner Group captured Russia’s key military town Rostov-on-Don. This left the locals including the police confused in context to the recent development.
Clashes between Wagner Group and Russian Military
Clashes were reported between Wagner Group and Russian Military in the Pavlosk district of the Voronezh region which is about 347 km away from Rostov-on-Don.
Why Rostov-on-Don city was targeted?
Russian southern region military headquarters is in Rostov-on-Don. Russia’s fight with Ukraine is overseen from this region.
Wagner Mercenary Chief Claim
After declaring armed rebellion, Wagner Mercenary Chief claimed that ‘half of the Russian army is ready to join him’. He also claimed that Russia’s Chief of General Staff has reportedly fled the Rostov military headquarters. On Saturday. Wagner mercenary group chief said that he and Wagner group has taken control of Russia’s southern military district.
Convoy sent to Moscow
Wagner Group Chief appeared to have suggested that on Saturday, he sent an armed convoy towards Moscow in an attempt to topple Russian Military army.
Public Activities Cancelled
Amid ongoing armed rebellion, governor has cancelled all public activities including mass outdoor events, educational institutions events. Moscow Mayor urged people to avoid any trips around the city.
Negotiations initiated with Wagner Group
Later on Saturday, it was reported that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has brokered a deal with Prigozhin. In return Prigozhin agreed to halt the Wagner fighters’ movement and avoid bloodshed.
Ukraine’s President Take on the Revolt
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Wagner mercenary troops’ revolt has exposed the chaotic state in Russia.
Prigozhin turned the forces back
According to reports, a deal was made with Wagner group chief. Post this, fighters were pulled out of Rostov-on Don and Wagner troops halted the march towards Moscow. Kremlin spokesman said that ‘Wagner troops will not face any punishments as criminal case against their chief is closed’. As per the deal, Wagner group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin will move to Belarus. Prigozhin has also demanded removal of defence minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov, but Kremlin has not yet responded to this demand.
The revolt started by Yevgeny Prigozhin led Wagner group came to an end but it has exposed vulnerabilities in Russian government forces, as Wagner group was able to move unhindered to take control of Rostov-on-Don city and advance hundreds of kilometers towards Moscow. All the transport restrictions were lifted.
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