Tamil Nadu is extremely on guard before the premiere of “The Kerala Story.”
According to a government official, reports that the intelligence wing has advised against releasing “The Kerala Story” are untrue.
Tamil Nadu is on high alert before the release of “The Kerala Story.”
Before the controversial film’s nationwide release in India on May 5, officials familiar with the situation said on Wednesday that Tamil Nadu is on high alert.
A senior government official statement
Under the condition of anonymity, a senior government official said, “A few organizations have requested protests. Their comments on social networking sites have been taken into consideration by our intelligence wing”.
“A few Islamic organizations have made requests for prohibition to security firms in some areas. The government, however, does not forbid it. It is not even prohibited in Kerala. However, we have informed every law enforcement unit to maintain a state of high alert,” the official continued.
The official further affirmed that it is incorrect what had been disclosed regarding the surveillance wing’s advice that the authorities not release “The Kerala Story.”
By the official resources “We did not receive a proposal like that from monitoring officers, and the governing body hasn’t made any choices about it.”
The Supreme Court’s decision regarding petitioners
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court declined to consider requests to delay the release of The Kerala Story and advised the petitioners to submit their cases to the Kerala high court, where related requests are already pending.
Following the release of the movie’s trailer, the Muslim clerical organization Jamiat Ulama-I-Hind contacted the nation’s highest court.
What’s in the petitions?
According to the petitioners, the movie denigrates the entire group and puts Muslims’ lives and way of life in danger. In addition to requesting a halt to the film’s release, the petition demanded a disclaimer stating that the movie is a work of fiction.
“According to the lawsuit, the movie began by stating that it was based on real events. According to the UN, police sources, the Union Home Ministry, and experts, the actual number of Indians who left to join ISIS is approximately 66, and the largest number of pro-ISIS people who may have shown a desire towards ISIS is in between 100 and 200, the petition claims.” “It is falsely stated that 32,000 girls have left the state of Kerala for West Asia to connect with ISIS,” it reads.
The chief minister of Kerala’s statement about “The Kerala Files”
The chief minister of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan, charged that the “Sangh Parivar” and the film’s creators were “sowing the toxic seeds of communalism” and referred to the movie as propaganda.
Shashi Tharoor claims
On Monday, Congressman Shashi Tharoor offered one crore to anyone who could demonstrate that 32,000 women in Kerala were coerced into becoming Muslims.
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