The Malayalam film “King of Kotha,” directed by Abhilash Joshiy, teaser released on Wednesday, creating buzz among moviegoers. The film stars Dulquer Salmaan as a gangster who must protect the Kotha population from “the devil energy.” The teaser builds suspense and introduces Dulquer as a bloody, intense lead character who defeats rivals in action scenes. The cast includes Shabeer Kallarakkal, Prasanna, Gokul Suresh, Shammi Thilakan, and Aishwarya Lekshmi.
Dulquer Salmaan plays a fierce character
Around the time of Onam in August, movie’s producers intend to release “King of Kotha”. Dulquer Salmaan is playing the lead role in violent gangster drama movie.
“King of Kotha” Teaser Released
The much anticipated Indian film “King of Kotha” teaser is out now. From the one and a half minutes teaser, it can assumed that this Dulquer Salmaan-starring gangster film will be a complete entertainment package.
This Abhilash Joshiy directorial Malayalam film (also dubbed in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada) will be released in August, directed by .
Pan-Indian films are recently popular, but the Malayalam film industry is lagging.
About Dulquer’s persona in the teaser
Dulquer’s persona appears in the teaser as a king who will shield the Kotha population from “the devil energy.”
The story centers on the hero who must liberate the land from a feared demon. Who is Satan in this situation, and who will save them? The teaser does an excellent job of building suspense before switching to images of Dulquer in a brand-new avatar.
The teaser gives a sneak peek at a bloody, intense lead character (played by Dulquer) who appears to defeat his rivals in exciting action scenes.
Dulquer wears all the swag and sets the rules with his long, uncombed hair. The teaser is full of violent images, but they did not reveal the complete Dulquer’s appearance, which gives it more spice.
About the movie’s cast
The movie’s cast includes Shabeer Kallarakkal, Prasanna, Gokul Suresh, Shammi Thilakan, and Aishwarya Lekshmi. With this movie, Abhilash Joshiy, the son of renowned Malayalam director Joshiy, makes his acting debut.
About “King of Kotha” Team
Nimish Ravi is the director of photography, and Jakes Benoy wrote the soundtrack for King of Kotha. Abhilash N Chandran, who also wrote Joshiy’s popular historical action thriller Porinju Mariam Jose, wrote the script for this movie.
Wayfarer Films and Zed Studios are behind the massively filmed period piece. August, around the time of Onam, is when the movie’s producers intend to release it.
Dulquer most recently appeared in R Balki’s crime thriller Chup: Revenge of the Artist.
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