Since assuming power in 2014, the central government has been spending Rs 2.05 Crore per day, totaling Rs 6491.56 Crore until December of this year. The government, led by Narendra Modi, has allocated an average of Rs 750 Crore annually for advertising purposes. These figures, obtained from the official website of the Central Bureau of Communication (CBC), encompass expenses incurred on print and electronic media advertisements.
Interestingly, there has been a significant reduction of 68% in advertising expenditures during the last complete fiscal year compared to the 2014-15 fiscal year. According to official statistics, over the past 8 years and 8 months, the government has spent a total of Rs 3230.77 Crore on print advertisements and Rs 3260.79 Crore on electronic media advertisements, summing up to Rs 6491.56 Crore.
In 2014-15, the government allocated Rs 424.84 Crore for print media advertisements and Rs 473.67 Crore for electronic media advertisements through the Central Bureau of Communication. Subsequently, the expenses were Rs 508.22 Crore (print) and Rs 531.60 Crore (electronic) in 2015-16; Rs 468.53 Crore (print) and Rs 609.15 Crore (electronic) in 2016-17; and Rs 636.09 Crore (print) and Rs 468.92 Crore (electronic) in 2017-18.
The expenditures for the following years were Rs 429.55 Crore (print) and Rs 514.28 Crore (electronic) in 2018-19; Rs 295.05 Crore (print) and Rs 317.11 Crore (electronic) in 2019-20; Rs 197.49 Crore (print) and Rs 167.98 Crore (electronic) in 2020-21; and Rs 179.04 Crore (print) and Rs 101.24 Crore (electronic) in 2021-22.
Remarkably, advertising spending has reduced from Rs 898.51 Crore in the 2014-15 fiscal year to Rs 280.28 Crore in 2021-22, marking a decline of 68%.
Up until December 7, 2022, the government has expended Rs 168.80 Crore in the current fiscal year. This amount encompasses Rs 91.96 Crore spent on print media advertisements and Rs 76.84 Crore spent on electronic media advertisements.
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