The footage of two women being paraded naked and gang-raped in Manipur, a conflict-torn state, has sparked nationwide outrage and calls for harsh punishment. Bollywood actors Renuka Sahane and Akshay Kumar joined the online protests, expressing their displeasure with the criminality in the northeastern state. Urmila Matondkar expressed her disbelief and horror at the Manipur footage, while Renuka Shahane criticized the government’s failure to stop the violence. The incident occurred on May 4, and social media platforms like Twitter continued to flood with anger over the delayed response.
Akshay Kumar on the horrific video of a parade of naked women in Manipur: “Shook, disgusted”
However, the assault incident that went viral yesterday occurred on May 4. It sparked anger on social media platforms like Twitter, with hashtags like ‘Manipur violence’ and ‘Enough is enough’ trending.
Horrifying footage came from Manipur
The terrifying footage of two women paraded naked by a crowd and then gang-raped, which came from conflict-torn Manipur, sparked outrage nationwide on Wednesday night and calls for harsh punishment for the culprits on social media.
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Bollywood actors joined the online protests
Bollywood actors also joined the online demonstrations, calling for the worst possible punishment for the offenders. Actors Richa Chada, Renuka Sahane, and Akshay Kumar were among the first public figures to voice their displeasure with the level of criminality in the northeastern state that has been the focus of ethnic tensions between the Meiteis and Kukis since the beginning of May.
Akshay Kumar’s Tweet
Akshay Kumar tweeted, “Shook, annoyed to see a clip of assault against women in Manipur. Demanding justice for the victims. I hope those responsible receive such serious consequences that no one will ever consider carrying such a horrible deed again.”
Urmila Matondkar’s intense reaction
Urmila Matondkar strongly responded and expressed her disbelief, astonishment, and horror at the Manipur footage and that nothing happened after it occurred in May. “Shame on those in the media who are bootlicking them, sitting on their high horses while intoxicated with power, and silent celebrities. How did we get here, my fellow Indians and Bharatiyas?”
Renuka Shahane cites the shortcomings of the government
Actress Renuka Shahane questioned whether anyone could stop the horrific events in Manipur after highlighting the government’s failure to stop the violence. “Is there nobody who can end the crimes in Manipur? Is it even appropriate to call oneself human, much less Bharatiya or Indian, if that disturbing video of two women doesn’t leave you in complete disbelief?”
Vir Das, a comedian, tweeted: “Questioning for an ally. How many conferences and conclaves do the residents of Manipur need to organize before they receive prime-time coverage in the mainstream media?”
Currently, Manipur Violence is trending on Twitter
However, the assault incident that went viral yesterday occurred on May 4. Despite this, social media platforms like Twitter continued flooding with anger over the delayed response. ‘Manipur violence’ and ‘Enough is enough’ trended heavily on Twitter.
The ethnic violence exploded in the state on May 3 during an event planned by the All Tribals Students Union (ATSU). Kukis protested at the rally against the demand that Meiteis get added to the Scheduled Tribe (ST) list.
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