In its election manifesto for Karnataka, Congress promised to outlaw both the Bajrang Dal and the Popular Front of India, holding them accountable for fomenting division and hatred based on religion and caste. This pledge drew criticism from the prime minister.
Congress accused PM Narendra Modi of offending Hindu devotees
On Tuesday, May 2, Congress accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of offending Hindu devotees’ religious feelings by equating Lord Hanuman with the Bajrang Dal and demanded an apology from him.
Pawan Khera called the prime minister’s comparison “shameful”
Speaking at a press conference, Congress spokesman Pawan Khera called the prime minister’s comparison “shameful” and said it was inappropriate. He referred to this as “an insult” to the numerous Lord Hanuman devotees.
INC spokesperson Pawan’s statement
“The Prime Minister is undermining our devotion to Lord Hanuman. He ought to express regret to the nation for offending our religious sensibilities. No one has granted the Prime Minister the authority to disparage Bajrang Bali,” the Prime Minister is quoted as telling reporters by PTI.
If the Prime Minister didn’t know about the Bajrang Dal’s subversive activities in states like Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Khera advised, he should ask BJP leader Jyotiraditya Scindia.
“He [Mr. Scindia] had claimed that the Bajrang Dal is an ISI-certified organization in 2017. Call Jyotiraditya Scindia and enquire about his opinions on Bajrang Dal, suggested Mr. Khera.
Other officials also demand the PM’s apology
Speaking on behalf of the AICC, Professor Gourav Vallabh demanded that Prime Minister Narendra Modi unconditionally apologize to the 6.5 million residents of Karnataka for insulting Lord Hanuman by equating the Hindu deity with the Bajrang Dal organization and a group of people. The religious feelings of followers who worship Lord Hanuman have been hurt by the prime minister.
Prof. Vallbah statement
During a press conference on May 3, held at the Hotel Ocean Pearl, Prof. Vallbah stated that the prime minister and company “refuse to speak about the scam-ridden 40% BJP Sarkara and are merely looking for excuses to polarise the elections.” Instead of addressing the fundamental problems of corruption, exorbitant price increases, widespread unemployment, ugly & unacceptable wealth concentration, and a pervasive climate of hatred, Modiji & the BJP focuses on religious divisions in every election.
Prof. Vallabh continued, “To compare Lord Hanuman to any person or organization is an insult, and PM is offending the emotions and beliefs of countless worshippers of Lord Hanuman ji.”
In contrast to the BJP’s manifesto, which he described as “politics of division and hatred,” the Congress manifesto is a visionary document that speaks of “politics of development, growth, and prosperity.”
The Congress promised to outlaw the Bajrang Dal
The Congress promised to outlaw the Bajrang Dal in its election manifesto for Karnataka, and the prime minister hit back at the party. The party, he claimed, “had earlier imprisoned Lord Ram, and now it wanted to imprison those who chant Jai Bajrang Bali.”
In its election manifesto for the state elections, which are scheduled for May 10, the Congress stated that it is committed to taking firm and decisive action against people and organizations like the Bajrang Dal and the Popular Front of India (PFI), which the party claimed is “spreading hatred” among communities on the grounds of caste and religion.
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