There have been thousands of posters spotted across different parts of Delhi targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which has led to a police crackdown resulting in six arrests and 36 cases being filed. Two of the arrested individuals own a printing press.
On Tuesday, the police undertook a significant operation and removed almost 2,000 posters from various locations in Delhi, most of which bore the slogan “Modi hatao, desh bachao (Remove Modi, save the country).” The arrests were made for defacing public property and for violating the law requiring posters to have the name of the printer.
The Delhi police have registered 138 FIRs, with 36 being for the anti-Modi posters. The police have seized 2,000 posters that were allegedly being delivered to the Aam Aadmi Party’s office. The party has questioned the FIRs and announced a protest at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar to demand the ouster of PM Modi.
The arrested printing press owners have stated that they received an order to print 50,000 “Modi Hatao, Desh Bachao” posters, and they have been arrested for not including the name of the printing press on the posters. The arrests have resulted in a dispute between the Centre and AAP, with the Bharatiya Janata Party accusing the AAP of not following the law while putting up the posters.
However, the poster has nothing obscene or off putting but it hits the very nerve of N Modi govt by targeting the PM directly. Social media is erupting with various kinds of reactions people are criticizing this action by Delhi police stating this as an attack on democracy and freedom of expression.
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