A 56-year-old man was taken into custody by police on Wednesday night after he allegedly killed and dismembered his live-in partner in his rented flat on Mumbai’s Mira Road. “We detained Sahani without delay,” says Jayant Bajbale, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone 1), in response to complaints from neighbors about a foul smell coming from the flat. According to Bajbale, “We believe Sahani sliced the corpse of the women into portions to facilitate it simple for him to get rid of them.” Sahani is currently the subject of a police report for both murder and the destruction of evidence.
Mumbai Murder Shocks The Nation: Man kills his live-in partner, dismembers the body parts
Man kills his live-in partner in Mumbai, chops up the body, and keeps the pieces inside his house
Decomposing body parts discovered in the residence of the 56-year-old man raised the possibility that the killing had occurred at least two days earlier, according to police.
Police detained a 56-year-old man on Wednesday night for allegedly killing and dismembering his live-in partner in his rented flat on Mumbai’s Mira Road. An officer from the Nayanagar Police Station stated that the discovery of decomposing body parts in his home raised suspicions that the murder may have occurred two to three days prior. The officer continued, “It seems that the suspect was residing with the body parts all these days.”
Manoj Sahani, the defendant, and Saraswati Vaidya, 32, resided together for the past three years in an apartment complex in Geeta Nagar Phase 7.
Neighbors report a bad smell from the flat to the Police station
On Wednesday at around 7 o’clock, neighbors called the Nayanagar PS to report a bad smell coming from the couple’s flat. The police discovered the woman’s body parts when they arrived at the building and went inside the apartment.
“We detained Sahani without delay”: Jayant Bajbale
Police detained Sahani without delay. “We have arrested Sahani, and we’re looking into the circumstances surrounding the murder and how it was carried out,” according to Jayant Bajbale, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone 1).
According to Bajbale, “We think Sahani cut the woman’s body into pieces to make it simple for him to dispose of them.”
A police officer from the Nayanagar Police Station stated that they anticipate that the defendant threw some of the missing body parts.
FIR Registered
Police have filed an FIR against Sahani for murder and evidence destruction. Police called a forensic team in the search operation in the flat to collect samples and evidence.
The pair did not socialize with the building’s residents, according to police reports. Police officers claimed that their apartment’s door had no nameplate.
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