According to a senior Delhi Police official on Tuesday, wrestlers have filed a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act against WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and have since made a new statement before the magistrate. As part of the ongoing investigation into the sexual harassment case, the Delhi Police paid a visit to the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief’s home in Gonda, an official said on Tuesday. They gathered his friends’ and employees’ statements there. “They (Minor wrestler) had not withdrawn their complaint,” claimed Bajrang Punia.
Police Interrogate WFI Chief’s Staff | Minor Wrestler Makes A New Statement
Police are gathering evidence concerning the complaint brought against the BJP MP, according to the officials, who added that they will present a report to the court.
Also Read | Wrestlers Meet Union Home Minister Amit Shah
Minor wrestler provides a new statement
Against Wrestling Federation of India president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, wrestlers filed a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act based on the testimony of a minor wrestler who has since made a new statement before the magistrate, according to a senior Delhi Police official on Tuesday.
A new statement has recorded under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The official declined to provide any information regarding the change in the statement, citing how “sensitive” the situation was.
Bajrang Punia: “They had not withdrawn their complaint”
There have been rumors that the young wrestler withdrew her grievance and started a new one. The father of the young girl told the renowned wrestler Bajrang Punia that they had not withdrawn their complaint, according to Punia, who was speaking to a news outlet.
Bajrang Punia’s statement
“On the one hand, there are these ‘sources,’ but on the other, the girl’s father claims he hasn’t dropped the accusation. The nation must now choose between the so-called sources and the girl’s father, who has denied these accusations,” said wrestler Bajrang Punia.
UP police question WFI chief’s personnel
The Delhi Police visited the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh’s home in Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, as part of the ongoing investigation into the sexual harassment case, an official said on Tuesday. There, they took the statements of his friends and employees.
Related Read | On the wrestlers’ protest, Rakesh Tikait said, “Arrest Brij Bhushan or else.”
“As part of our investigation, we went to Gonda, where we documented the statements of Singh’s friends, employees, and even the driver at his home. While recording the statements, the team verified their IDs and took down their addresses. We are gathering evidence and working with the victims’ testimonies,” according to the senior police official involved in the investigation.
The officials added that they would present a report to the court and that police are gathering evidence in relation to the complaint made against the BJP MP.
Bajrang Punia on meeting with HM
Punia also discussed the wrestlers’ “discreet meeting” with Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the wee hours of the morning. “When we met him, we told him the whole story. He has pledged to take action. However, based solely on assurance, I would assert that we won’t put an end to this conflict with Brij Bhushan Singh. While we did that in January, we won’t do it right now,” Punia said.
He predicted that the wrestlers who are protesting would decide on their next steps in a few days. Punia argued, “But we’re not going to give up.”
Wrestler’s Protest
The best wrestlers in the nation, including Olympic medalists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia, are protesting the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president, whom they claim has harassed female wrestlers.
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