Samsung secured pre-orders for 1 lakh units of its fifth generation of ultra-premium foldable devices, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5, in India within 28 hours of their launch. The gadget arrived on July 26, and pre-orders began on July 27, 2023. On August 18, sales of the “Made in India” mobile will begin. Samsung Southwest Asia’s President and CEO, JB Park, expressed optimism about the positive reception of the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5 phones in India.
Related Read | Initial Evaluations of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5
One lakh pre-orders for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Galaxy Z Fold 5 occurred in India
Samsung debuted the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 at its inaugural Galaxy Unpacked occasion in South Korea, along with the Galaxy Tab S9 and Galaxy Watch 6 series.
The fifth generation of ultra-premium foldable devices
“In the first 28 hours after the launch of reservations in India, Samsung secured pre-orders for 1 lakh units of its fifth generation of ultra-premium foldable devices, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5,” according to the company reports on Thursday.
Samsung acquired 1.7 times more pre-orders
“Samsung got 1.7 times more pre-orders for the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5 during the first 28 hours contrasted to the fourth-generation folding gadgets (Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Z Fold 4),” the company said in a statement. The devices arrived by the company on July 26, and pre-orders began on July 27, 2023. The “Made in India” gadgets anticipated selling on August 18.
Also Read | Official Teaser for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5
President and CEO of Samsung Southwest Asia, JB Park
According to JB Park, president, and CEO of Samsung Southwest Asia, “I’m extremely positive that our most recent gadgets will assist in promoting the acceptance of foldable and strengthen our leadership in India.”
“We are ecstatic about the positive reception our recently released Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Galaxy Z Fold 5 cellphones got in India. The popularity of the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Galaxy Z Fold 5 demonstrates how open Indian consumers are to new developments.
The price of the Galaxy Fold 5 and Galaxy Flip 5 phones
The cost of the Galaxy Fold 5 differs based on the internal storage capacity, varying from 256GB to 1TB, and ranges from Rs. 1,54,000 lakh to Rs. 1,85,000 lakh per unit. Priced between Rs. 99,999 and Rs. 1,09,999 each, Samsung Galaxy Flip 5 models will get available.
Techarc, a company that conducts market studies and analyses, predicts that by 2023, revenues from foldable (including flip) mobile devices will account for more than 1.8 percent of all smartphone sales. According to the estimate, over 6.35 lakh folding cell phones will be sold in India this year, less than 0.5% of the estimated total volume.
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