On August 28, the Snapdragon 400-series-powered Vivo V29e will debut in India. The device, already rumored to have a 64-megapixel rear camera sensor with optical image stabilization (OIS), will likely weigh 180.5 grams and have a 7.57mm thin profile. Currently, 8GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage are the two combinations that will be available. On top of Android 13, FunTouchOS 13 promises to run on the Vivo V29e.
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Vivo V29e will be launched in India on this date, with Flipkart availability confirmed
The selfie camera has a hole-punch cutout in the center of the Vivo V29e’s curved screen. The device touts a lightweight phone with a 3D curved screen and retails for Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 30,000.
The launch day for the Vivo V29e is August 28
The Vivo V29e will get scheduled to launch in India on August 28. According to a post from the Chinese mobile device manufacturer, the brand-new V-series smartphone arrived in the country on Friday. The Vivo V29e will be available for buy on Flipkart.
The cell phone will power the Snapdragon 400-series chipset
The phone seems rumored to have an optical image stabilization (OIS)-capable 64-megapixel rear camera sensor. A hole-punch cutout in the center is visible on what appears like a curved display. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 400-series chipset might power the Vivo V29e.
Vivo will introduce the V29e smartphone at the launch event
According to a teaser poster the business shared on X (formerly Twitter), the new Vivo V29e will get released in India on August 28. At noon IST, the inauguration event will get underway. Additionally, the company is starting to invite media to the launch. The smartphone will undoubtedly get sold on Flipkart.
Vivo revealed its design on the microblogging site
On the microblogging site, Vivo published renders of the device, revealing its design. A microsite provides specifications and is available on the company’s India website. The Vivo V29e has a curved screen and a hole-punch cutout in the center of the display for the selfie camera. The device costs between Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 30,000 and advertises as being the thinnest phone with a 3D curved screen.
Expected specification of Vivo V29e
A dual rear camera system with a 64-megapixel primary sensor and OIS support is visible on the Vivo V29e. It hints that it will have a 50-megapixel front camera for selfies and video calls. A color-changing rear glass panel and artistic red and blue color options for the phone will get confirmed.
However, the Artistic Red variant will be the only one to offer the color-changing technology. The device seems rumored to weigh 180.5 grams and has a 7.57mm thin profile. An earlier leak stated, “The Vivo V29e will come offered in 8GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage structures.”
More About Vivo V29e
FunTouchOS 13 may get preinstalled, and Android 13 may power it. The device will likely feature a Snapdragon 480 5G SoC or the Snapdragon 480+ 5G SoC. The phone is going to have a 4,600mAh battery with 80W charging support. The Vivo V29e may get introduced as a close relative of the Vivo V29 Lite 5G, which arrived in the Czech Republic in June of this year.
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