On July 21, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer get released in India, bringing their combined net collections to 100.6 crore in their first week. The Cillian Murphy-starring movie, Oppenheimer, made 5.25 crore net on Thursday, day seven after its debut in India, bringing it’s opening week profits to 73.15 crores. Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, made a two crore net in India on day 7, bringing its total week-one earnings to 27.5 crore.
The combined income of Oppenheimer and Barbie in India is 100 crore
Barbie has broken numerous box office records since its July 21 release, including the biggest opening in 2023. In the meantime, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer had the biopic’s largest global debut.
Barbenheimer’s Performance in India
On July 21 in India, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer both saw release. According to Sacnilk.com, the two Hollywood flicks combined for 100.6 crore net in their first week in India. The inseparable pair Barbie and Oppenheimer, collectively known as Barbenheimer, made 27.5 crore net and 73.15 crore net after seven days of release.
Box Office collection: Barbenheimer
# Oppenheimer
According to Sacnilk.com, Oppenheimer had a fantastic first six days at the box office and made a 67.9 crore net in India. The Cillian Murphy-starring movie made 5.25 crore net on Thursday, day seven after its debut in India, bringing it’s opening week earnings to 73.15 crore. The American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who oversaw the creation of the atomic bomb, appears in the film by Cillian Murphy.
ALSO READ | Oppenheimer Movie Review – Immersive and Astonishing
# Barbie
According to a report from Sacnilk.com, Barbie made two crore net in India on day 7 of its release, bringing its total week-one earnings to 27.5 crore net. In the Greta Gerwig film, Margot Robbie portrays a “stereotypical” version of the well-known doll. Ryan Gosling plays Ken in the movie as well.
ALSO READ | Barbie Surpasses The Dark Knight at Box Office
Box office Records: Barbenheimer
Barbie has broken numerous box office records since its July 21 release, including the biggest opening in 2023. In the meantime, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer had the biopic’s largest global debut. Over the first weekend, Barbie and Oppenheimer made more than $511 million worldwide in box office revenue and $235.5 million in the US.
According to a Deadline report, Barbie has already outperformed the lifetime box office totals of many other films with female leads. In the US, it surpassed Captain Marvel’s $153.4 million to set a record for the massive release of a female-directed movie. The movie also had 2023’s highest single-day revenue of $70.8 million.
The opening weekend of Oppenheimer was Christopher Nolan’s third-highest opening weekend ever, both internationally and domestically. In addition, according to reports, it had the biggest Christopher Nolan opening weekend for a non-superhero movie in 55 markets, including Australia, France, Spain, The UK, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, and Brazil. It also had the biggest Christopher Nolan opening day in 33 markets, including Argentina, India, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, and the Netherlands.
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