The biopic Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan, and Barbie by Greta Gerwig, debuted in India on July 21. Barbie only garnered a modest amount of attention in India, earning 35.43 crores, while Oppenheimer’s growth has slowed, with an Indian box office total of 92 crore net. Instead of being a one-weekend phenomenon, Barbenheimer developed itself as a constant box office powerhouse. Global ticket sales for the two movies currently exceed $1 billion.
Barbenheimer box office: In India, Oppenheimer earns over 92 crores & Barbie makes 35 crores
The atomic bomb’s creator, J. Robert Oppenheimer, is portrayed by Cillian Murphy in Oppenheimer. Ryan Gosling plays Ken, and Margot Robbie plays Barbie in the movie Barbie.
Barbenheimer In India
Barbie by Greta Gerwig and Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan debuted in India on July 21. The two Hollywood films earned a combined 127 crore net in India during their first ten days of release, according to
Some people slammed the movie Oppenheimer on social media for an explicit moment in which Cillian Murphy recites a passage from the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit without revealing the book’s cover.
ALSO READ | Barbenheimer earn 100 crores in India
Box office report of Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer’s growth has slowed, but its revenue is now much closer to reaching the 100 crore threshold in India. The movie made 7.25 crore on Sunday, the same amount it generated on Saturday, according to a report on The movie’s current box office total is 92 crore net, and Cillian Murphy plays J. Robert Oppenheimer, known as the inventor of the atomic bomb.
Box office report of Barbie
Barbie, however, only got a fair amount of attention in India. “The movie is currently at 35.43 crores and took in 3.25 crore on Sunday,” according to an article on the same portal. The movie made its highest take of 7.15 crore on its first Sunday in India, where it debuted at five crore. But last Friday, it only made 1.55 crore, and on Sunday, it made between 3.25 crore.
Ryan Gosling plays Ken, and Margot Robbie plays Barbie in the movie Barbie. Greta Gerwig is responsible for the direction.
Barbenheimer’s global box office
The AP claims that Barbenheimer established itself as a continuous box office juggernaut rather than a one-weekend phenomenon. Worldwide ticket sales for the two films currently exceed $1 billion.
On Sunday, the studio figures showed that Barbie made a staggering $93 million in its second weekend. Oppenheimer retained second place with a sizable $46.2 million. Sales for the two films declined 43 and 44 percent falling short of the typical week-two declines.
Since its July 21 release, Barbie has set many box office records, including the biggest debut in 2023. Oppenheimer, a biopic directed by Christopher Nolan, had the biopic’s largest global opening.
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