The positive response to Akshay Kumar’s upcoming movie, OMG 2, raised anticipation and interest. The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has referred the film to the Revising Committee, which may monitor it due to its religious content. Adipurush’s approval by the CBFC with no cuts and a “U” certificate drew criticism. Thus, in the case of OMG 2, the CBFC doesn’t want to offend viewers.
To PLAY safe, the CBFC refers OMG 2 to the Editing Committee
According to the source, following the Adipurush incident, the CBFC officials may want to approve OMG 2 only if they are confident that the plot will not offend viewers.
ALSO READ |Top 10 Terrible Blunders in Adipurush
2022 was a terrible year for Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar had an awful year in 2022 because none of his films were commercial successes. The failure of Selfiee also gave 2023 an unfavorable start. But anticipation and interest have grown for his forthcoming movie, OMG 2.
OMG 2 posters & a teaser look promising
Both its posters and the teaser, which debuted on July 11, received positive reviews. However, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) presented a minor obstacle for the movie.
ALSO READ |OMG 2 Teaser: Akshay Kumar Returns As Shiva to Help Pankaj Tripathi
The CBFC refers the movie to the Revising Committee
The CBFC endures reportedly chose to refer the movie to the Editing Committee. According to a source, the Examining Committee (EC) determines the proper rating—U, A, or U/A—when a movie employs a censor certificate by reviewing the material.
However, if the filmmakers have a problem with the cuts mandated by the EC, they may occasionally look at the Revising Committee (RC). Sometimes, the EC and chairman of the CBFC will ask the RC to watch the movie and render an appropriate decision.
The EC wants the RC to monitor OMG 2
The source added, “Both sides are silent, but according to reports, the EC wants the RC to watch OMG 2.” Additionally, it claims that the CBFC will be careful because the movie touches on religious subjects.
The CBFC received severe objections in the case of Adipurush
The CBFC received harsh criticism just last month for approving Adipurush with no cuts and a “U” certificate. Public criticism of the dialogue and specific scenes in the movie was intense. There were concerns about how Adipurush passed the CBFC without any deletions, despite the CBFC’s quick censorship of material it considers unacceptable.
The CBFC doesn’t want to offend viewers
Therefore, it is possible that following the Adipurush incident, the CBFC direction wants to approve OMG 2 only if they are confident that the plot doesn’t offend spectators, the source continued.
An insider in the industry remarked, “The movie is almost a month away; therefore if the RC approves the film, the producers will obtain the censor certificate on schedule. When the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal (FCAT) opened for business, filmmakers could appeal to the RC’s recommendations if they were unhappy. The Tribunal had frequently been flexible and liberal, passing several films with no or few cuts.
Akshay Kumar plays Lord Shiva in Oh My God 2, featuring Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam. In theatres, it will compete with Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel’s Gadar 2.
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