Imphal experienced high-tension drama when thousands of protesters blocked Manipur Chief Minister Biren N. Singh’s convoy from going to Raj Bhavan. Unconfirmed rumors stated that the CM had typed up a resignation letter but faced pressure from his supporters to destroy it. Women who back CM N Biren Singh said they wanted to stop him from resigning. The population received assurances from women leaders that the CM would not step down. Up to this point, the Kangpokpi incident has claimed three lives. More than 100 people have already died as a result of the ethnic tensions among the Meitei and Kuki societies in the northeastern state.
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Dramatic uproar in Imphal over Manipur’s chief minister “resignation”
The opposition has demanded the resignation of Chief Minister Biren Singh due to the way he has handled the Manipur situation.
“In this dire circumstance, I won’t resign,” N. Biren Singh
After rumors of his resignation surfaced, Biren N. Singh, the chief minister of Manipur, declared that he would not be leaving his position.
Supporters prevented Manipur CM From Submitting Resignation
Hundredsof supporters prevented Manipur Chief Minister Biren N Singh’s convoy from traveling to Raj Bhavan, setting off the high-tension drama in Imphal. Unverified rumors claimed that the CM had typed up a resignation letter but was convinced to destroy it by his supporters.
Statement from Women supporters of CM
“We’re demonstrating to prevent the resignation of CM N Biren Singh. He is bringing attention to our problems, which we admire. He is working for the entire country, not just Manipur,” according to a woman who supports Manipur CM N Biren Singh.
Women leaders reassured the masses that the CM would not resign
Following the demonstrations against his resignation, women leaders emerged from his home and reassured the crowd that the CM would not step down. Earlier in the day, hundreds of women and young people wearing black shirts sat in front of the chief minister’s house and demanded that Biren Singh not step down.
According to a woman leader named Kshetrimayum Shanti, “the Biren Singh administration must stay solid and break down on rebels at this crucial time.”
The number of deaths rises to three in the Kangpokpi incident
Three people lost their lives, including one who died from wounds in a shootout between security forces and alleged rioters in Kangpokpi district the day before.
Kangpokpi violence
On Thursday, armed rioters fired shots into Haraothel village without provocation. The Army claimed that members of the security forces ” replied in a verified manner” to deal with the situation.
The demonstrators, who consisted of women, dared the police to apprehend them. They were also seen burning tires in the middle of the road to obstruct police traffic.
The procession turned violent when security personnel prevented them from heading to Singh’s home, forcing police to use lathi charges and tear gas to remove the crowd.
The ethnic conflict between the Meitei and Kuki communities in the northeastern state has already claimed more than 100 lives.
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